2015.12.03 – ESC: Severe storm QASIM and storm RUDI

The very powerful severe storm QASIM is going to strike the scandinavian nations today. At the same time, a new storm, RUDI, will form to the SW of the British Isles, and will later affect a large part of central and Northern Europe. We are also expecting a strong and severe storm to move into the region tommorrow, hence the severe storm watch for Ireland, and also for the UK.

2015.12.03 Overview 2015.12.03 warnings

2015.12.01 – Severe storm PHILIPP and storm OSCAR

Severe storm PHILIPP is going to be responsible for very high winds on the British Isles and Iceland very soon, and also along the Norwegian coast tomorrow.

Even though not noted on the overview map, storm OSCAR continues to cause storm gusts and also dump a lot of rain on the affected region – hence there is also a given risk of flooding. Below is the ESC Overview as well as the warnings and watches!

2015.12.01 overview 2015.12.01 warnings

2015.11.30 – Storm NILS update

Storm NILS has moved accross Germany in the past night, causing quite some wind. But it is not over yet! Below are today’s peak gusts (so after 00 CET).

Sturm NILS ist letzte Nacht durch Deutschland gezogen und hat einiges an Wind mitgebracht. Aber es ist noch nicht aus! Unten sind die heutigen Spitzenböen (als nach 00 MEZ)

0400UTC Peak Gusts DE

2015.11.29 – Warnung Berlin / Warning Berlin

    Für: Berlin und Umgebung
Gültig ab: JETZT
    bis: 2015.11.30, 13:00 MEZ
Spitze: 95km/h
    um: 2015.11.30, 04:00 MEZ
Ausgegeben von: Linus H., für M.I.L.K. Weather
Das Sturmfeld von “NILS II” hat angefangen auf Deutschland überzugreifen, verbreitet gibt es schon jetzt stärkere Böen. Zur Nacht hin wird der Wind generell immer stärker werden. Die Spitzenintensität wird in den frühen Morgenstunden von 30.11 erwartet. Danach werden die STURMBÖEN bis 13:00 weitestgehend abklingen.
    For: Berlin and surrounding
Valid from: NOW
    until: 2015.11.30, 13:00 CET
Peak: 95km/h
    at: 2015.11.30, 04:00 CET
Issued by: Linus H., for M.I.L.K. Weather
The wind field of “NILKS II” has started to affect Germany, there are already strong gusts. Towards the night, the wind will generally continue to increase. The peak intensity is expected in the early morning of the 30th of November. Later, the STORM GUSTS should mostly dissipate by 13:00.

2015.11.27 – ESC: GFS analysis

We currently have a complex situation, with most of Northern Europe being affected by storm. gusts. Additionally, we have a strong low-pressure system in the Mediterranean. Below is the latest GFS analysis. You can find real-time data at www.milk-weather.org.



2015.11.23 – Severe storm LAURITZ (Iceland)

Severe storm LAURITZ is causing quite some wind currently in iceland, with gusts forecast by M.I.L.K. Weather to possibly exceed 130km/h in the course of today. As of now, peak gusts near 100km/h have been registered, however collecting data is made dificult by the fact that there ar eonly few stations in Iceland that deliver wind gust reports. The central pressure of this well defined storm is currently 970hPa, and we expect it to slowly move east. As the fronts, especially the cold front, might affect the British Isles, we have issued a storm watch for these as well. The main wind field of the storm might also affect the coast of northern Norway. See below for the M.I.L.K. ESC Overview.

2015.11.23 2015.11.23