2017.06.27 – Wettervorhersage für Berlin / Weather Forecast for Berlin

Heute bleibt es überwiegend heiter. Zwar ziehen im Laufe des Tages immer mehr hohe, dünne Wolken auf, doch die Sonne sollte zumindest bis zum Abend noch in der Lage sein, durch diese Wolkendecke hindurchzuscheinen. Die Temperaturen liegen derzeit bei etwa 10°C und werden im Tagesverlauf auf bis zu 26 Grad ansteigen. Der Wind bleibt den ganzen Tag lang sehr leicht.

Morgen früh beginnt der Tag erneut recht sonnig und die Sonne wird für eine rasche Erhitzung sorgen. Noch am Vormittag werden sich erste Quellwolken bilden, die im Tagesverlauf immer weiter wachsen werden und sich bis zum Nachmittag zu teil heftigen Gewittern entwickelt haben werden. Es besteht das Potential für Unwetter, die mit Starkregen (und Überschwemmungen), aber auch großem Hagel und Sturmböen einhergehen können. Die Temperaturen beginnen in der Früh um etwa 15°C, und werden bis zum Nachmittag bis zu 31°C erreicht haben. Der Wind ist leicht bis mäßig, kann in Gewitternähe aber auch stark böig werden.

Am Donnerstag bleibt es tagsüber recht trüb, und am Nachmittag wird es anfangen mäßig zu regnen. Die Temperaturen reichen von 17°C in der Früh bis zu 23°C Maximaltemperatur. Der Wind ist recht lebhaft und kommt aus östlichen Richtungen.


Freitag: Im Tagesverlauf auflockernd, 14 bis 21°C

Samstag: Regen, 14 bis 18°C

Sonntag: Regnerisch, 10 bis 19°C

Montag: Heiter, später Gewitter, 10 bis 21°C

Dienstag: Anfangs Sonnig, später Regnerisch, 9 bis 18°C

Mittwoch: Sonnig, 9 bis 23°C



Today it will stay largely sunny, although over the course of the day more and more high, thin clouds will move in, that the sun should be able to shine through until the evening however. The temperatures are currently at around 10°C and are expected to reach up to 26 degrees over the course of the day. The wind will stay very light.

Tomorrow morning will start off quite sunny once again, and the sun will quickly heat up the air. Already in the morning, cumulus clouds will start forming, which will continue to grow and develop into partly severe thunderstorms by the afternoon. The potential for severe thunderstorms with torrential rainfall (and flash flooding), but also large hail and storm gusts is given. The temperatures will start off at around 15°C in the morning, and reach up to 31°C by the afternoon. The wind will be light to moderate, near thunderstorms it can be gusty.

On Thursday it will stay quite gray throughout the day, and in the afternoon it will start to rain moderately. The temperatures will range from 17°C in the morning to 23°C at maximum. The wind will be quite lively and will be coming from easterly directions.


Friday: Increasingly clearing, 14 to 21°C

Saturday: Rain, 14 to 18°C

Sunday: Rainy, 10 to 19°C

Monday: Fair, later thunderstorms, 10 to 21°C

Tuesday: Initially sunny, later rainy, 9 to 18°C

Wednesday: 9 to 23°C

2017.06.25 – Wettervorhersage für Berlin / Weather Forecast for Berlin

Morgen (Montag) ist es anfangs noch recht regnerisch und teils auch windig mit Böen bis 50km/h, doch noch im Laufe des Vormittags wird der Regen nach Südosten abziehen. Spätestens am Nachmittag sollte es dann überwiegend sonnig sein. In der Früh werden die Temperaturen um 13°C liegen, im Tagesverlauf auf bis zu 23°C ansteigen. Der Wind ist zwar besonders in der Früh recht böig, doch später bleibt er durchaus lebhaft.

Am Dienstag beginnt der Tag überwiegend sonnig, mit der Zeit werden aber mehr und mehr Wolken am Himmel zu sehen sein. Die Sonne wird aber voraussichtlich trotzdem aber noch durch diese dünne Wolkendecke hindurchscheinen. Der Tag beginnt mit Temperaturen um 10°C, und tagsüber wird es mit bis zu 26°C fühlbar wärmer als noch am Wochenende. Der Wind bleibt den ganzen Tag über sehr leicht.

Am Mittwoch beginnt der Tag heiter. Nach rascher Erhitzung durch die Sonne werden sich schon im Laufe des Vormittags Quellwolken bilden, die sich bis zum Nachmittag zu Gewittern weiterentwickelt haben werden. Am Nachmittag ziehen dann teils heftige Gewitter von Westen her über Berlin, die Starkregen, Sturmböen und Hagel mit sich bringen können. Die Temperaturen beginnen bei ca. 16°C und werden tagsüber auf bis zu 31°C, die kombiniert mit der hohen Luftfeuchtigkeit recht unangenehm werden könnten.


Donnerstag: Stark bewölkt mit kräftigen Gewittern. 17 bis 23°C.

Freitag: Regnerisch. 15 bis 20°C.

Samstag: Anfangs sonnig, später Schauer und Gewitter. 12 bis 24°C.

Sonntag: Wolkig, am Abend regen. 9 bis 23°C.

Montag: Heiter mit Schauern. 14 bis 21°C.


Tomorrow (Monday) Will start off fairly rainy and with strong wind gusting to around 50km/h, but over the course of the morning the rain will move away towards the southeast. At latest in the afternoon it should be largely sunny. In the morning the temperatures will be around 13°C, and they will reach up to 23°C over the course of the day. Though the wind will be especially strong in the morning, it will stay quite windy for the rest of the day.

On Tuesday it will start off mostly sunny, but over time more and more clouds will be visible in the sky. The sun is expected to nonetheless shine through the thin layer of clouds. The day will start off with temperatures around 10°C, and will be noticeably warmer at 26°C than the weekend. The wind will stay very light throughout the day.

On Wednesday it will be mostly sunny in the morning. The sun will quickly heat up the air, and clouds will already start forming in the morning, and develop into thunderstorms by the afternoon. In the afternoon, partly severe thunderstorms will move across Berlin coming from the west. The storms may pack torrential rainfall, storm gusts and hail. The temperatures will start at around 16°C in the morning and reach up to 31°C during the day, which may be quite uncomfortable when combined with the high humidity.


Thursday: Mostly cloudy with strong thunderstorms. 17 to 23°C.

Friday: Rainy. 15 to 20°C.

Saturday: In the beginning sunny, later showers and thunderstorms. 12 to 24°C.

Sunday: Cloudy, in the evening rainy. 9 to 23°C.

Monday: Mostly sunny with showers. 14 to 21°C.

2017.05.30 – Heat and Thunderstorms in Germany

A series of very warm days was ended yesterday as intense thunderstorms erupted all throughout central Europe.

ESTOFEX had issued a level 2 for eastern Germany, and a level one for much of the rest of the country in the morning.

Throughout central and eastern Germany, severe thunderstorms brought hail, storm gusts and flooding with them. In the state of Brandenburg, a tornado was reported.

2017.03.27 – Cyclone Debbie makes Landfall in Australia

Cyclone “Debbie” made landfall in Australia today, packing winds of around 150km/h and gusting to over 200km/h. Thankfully, the storm is moving ashore in a fairly sparsely populated part of the country.

“Debbie” is moving quite slowly, making the most significant risk from the storm the rain, rather than the wind. In less than three days, over 400 liters of rain per square meter are expected to fall in some regions – below is the latest forecast map by the German weather service DWD:

2017.03.23 – Snow in Spain

A low pressure are by the name of “GREGOR” has brought winter weather to parts of Spain. Snow fell down to areas only 500 meters above sea level. Thunderstorms with sleet and strong snowfall are still spread over the Iberian peninsula. The winter weather, which was caused by an advance of cold air from the Arctic into the region, resulted in school being cancelled for over 8,000 students.

The low pressure area will continue to linger in southwestern Europe and bring strong showers and thunderstorms to the region in the coming days. The Balearic Islands, for example, should expect thunderstorms with a lot of rain and also possible storm gusts on Friday.


2017.02.24 – Forecast for RABAT

A mixture of sunshine and clouds is to be expected TODAY, and also some rain again. Overall the weather will be friendlier than yesterday, although the wind may be quite lively, especially in the afternoon. The temperatures are currently at around 15 degrees Celsius, and are forecast to reach a maximum of 18 in the early hours of the afternoon.

59 to 64F

TOMORROW will start off mostly cloudy, but through the afternoon it will become increasingly sunny. Despite it being almost overcast for the first half of the day, no precipitation is expected. The wind will be light, and temperatures are expected to range from 8 to 19 deg. C.
46 to 66F
On SUNDAY there will be both sunshine and clouds, no rain is to be expected. The wind will be very light, and temperatures will rise from 9 degrees in the morning to a maximum of 20 degrees in the early afternoon hours.
48 to 68F
Monday: Partly sunny, 9 to 19C
Tuesday: Mostly sunny, 10 to 20C
Wednesday: Partly sunny, 10 to 22C
Thursday: Sunny, 11 to 21C
Friday: Mostly sunny, 10 to 23C

2017.02.22 – Weather Forecast for RABAT

TODAY it will be mostly cloudy for the majority of the day, and some occasional light rain is to be expected especially from noon onwards. In the evening, just before sunset, the rain is expected to stop and there may be sunny patches. At night, no sunshine is expected, as already last night. Temperatures are starting off at 12 degrees Celsius this morning, and are predicted to reach maxima of around 18 deg. C. later on during the day. The wind will be light.

54 to 64F.
TOMORROW will bring us a mixture of sunshine and clouds, and in the afternoon also some rain. The temperatures will start off at 13 degrees in the morning and reach up to 19 degrees later in the day; the wind will be moderate, so it might not feel quite as warm.
55 to 66F.
On FRIDAY it will be largely overcast and rainy until the afternoon, when the sky will start to gradually clear up. The wind will continue to be quite lively, and temperatures are forecast to range from 10 to 18 deg. Centigrade.
50 to 64F.
Saturday: Sunny, 9 to 19C
Sunday: Sunny, 10 to 22C
Monday: Mostly sunny, 11 to 20C
Tuesday: Rainy, 8 to 17C
Wednesday: Mostly sunny, 6 to 17C
Thursday: Mostly sunny, 7 to 19C
Friday: Fair, 13 to 20C

2017.02.15 – Weather Forecast for RABAT

TODAY you can expect very nice weather with a lot of sunshine and close to no clouds. The temperatures are starting off at 10 degrees Celsius this morning, but are ultimately expected to reach up to 22 deg. C in the afternoon. The wind will be light.

50 to 72F

TOMORROW will not be a lot different from today; again, sunshine is expected for the entire day and almost no clouds are expected to be visible in the sky. The temperatures will again start off at 10 degrees, and later reach a maximum of up o 22 Centigrade. The wind will continue to be light.
50 to 72F
FRIDAY will start off mostly cloudy and at around 9 degrees, but no precipitation is expected. By midday, the clouds should have largely dissipated, and for the rest of the day sunshine is to be expected again. The temperatures will rise to a maximum of 21 deg. C, and the wind will stay very light all day long.
48 to 70F
Saturday: Sunny, 10 to 22C
Sunday: Sunny, 11 to 21C
Monday: Sunny, showers in the evening, 11 to 21C
Tuesday: Sunny, showers in the evening, 12 to 22C
Wednesday: Sunny, 13 to 22C
Thursday: Sunny, 10 to 21C
Friday: Sunny, 12 to 21C

2017.02.13 – Weather Forecast for RABAT

This morning it is quite cloudy, with some rain to be expected from time to time. The clouds will stick around for a while, but are then ultimately expected to dissipate at around noon. In the afternoon it is expected to be largely sunny, although showers and possibly also thunderstorms will be lingering in the region, and it is possible that there will be one or two showers in Rabat over the course of the afternoon, as well. The wind is starting off quite lively this morning, with gusts still reaching around 50km/h, but will generally calm down over the course of the day. It won’t be especially warm today, though, with temperatures currently being at 13 degrees and expected to reach a maximum of only 15 Centigrade.

TOMORROW there will be a lot of sunshine, and almost no clouds. The wind will be light, and the temperatures will range from 10 degrees Celsius in the morning to up to 21 degrees in the afternoon hours.
WEDNESDAY will bring us a mix of sunshine and clouds, but despite these areas of thick clouds moving through, it is expected to stay dry. Not only will it stay dry, but at 10 to 22 deg. C, it will even be a bit warmer than on Tuesday. The wind will again be light, picking up slightly in the evening.
Thursday: Mostly sunny, 11 to 21C
Friday: Sunny, 10 to 22C
Saturday: Mostly sunny, thunderstorms in the evening, 13 to 21C
Sunday: Thunderstorms, 9 to 16C
Monday: Increasingly rainy, 11 to 19C
Tuesday: Fair, showers, 10 to 17C
Wednesday: Sunny, 11 to 19C

2017.02.12 – RABAT: Psbl. Flash Flooding, Storm Gusts

What is the forecast?

    Forecasts indicate that tonight there may be a potentially dangerous weather situation. An area of very intense rain is expected to move through, accompanied by storm gusts and possibly thunderstorms.
What may happen?
    A lot of rain is expected to fall in a short period of time, meaning that flash flooding may occur in parts of Rabat, making it difficult or impossible to move from one place to another, especially on the road.
   Storm gusts are currently expected to sweep through the city together with the rain – these may send things flying from balconies or rooftops, which can be potentially dangerous. There is also the chance that branches and / or trees may fall, which could also damage / block the tram lines.
   In the case of thunderstorms, the weather phenomena (i.e. the rain and wind) may be intensified.
How likely is it to happen?
   As of now, there is still quite a bit of uncertainty regarding the exact intensity and time. What can be said is that tonight is expected to be rainy and windy. There is currently an 85% chance that the rain will be quite intense for one or two hours. It can also be said that it will be windy in the evening, and that there is a chance of around 75% of storm gusts exceeding 75km/h, and around 60% chance of gusts over 90km/h.
    As of now, this front is predicted to arrive between 6 and 7:30pm, with the peak being about 1 to 1.5 hours after the arrival of the front. Most of the rain should be gone by 9:30pm.
What to do?
   You’ll probably want to stay indoors anyway.
PLEASE NOTE that there is always uncertainty when predicting the weather, and nothing is ever 100% guaranteed. I wrote this email solely for information purposes and out of personal interest and, although having made the forecast to the best of my abilities, do not take any responsibility for its correctness or any actions that are taken as a result. Cheers!
New information will be posted at www.milk-weather.org!