2017.09.22 – Wettervorhersage für Berlin / Weather Forecast for Berlin

Wettervorhersage für Berlin & Umgebung, Ausgegeben 2017.09.22 um 05:15 MESZ

Weather Forecast for Berlin & Surrounding, Issued 2017.09.22 at 05:15 CEST (EN Version Below)


HEUTE ist es den ganzen Tag über meist freundlich. Dabei ist es am Vormittag nahezu wolkenlos, am Nachmittag heiter. Die Temperaturen liegen in der Früh um 8°C und werden tagsüber auf bis zu 18°C ansteigen. Der Wind bleibt den ganzen Tag über leicht und kommt aus nördlichen Richtungen.

MORGEN ist es tagsüber meist stark bewölkt oder bedeckt, und am Nachmittag setzt langsam erst Nieselregen, dann anhaltender Landregen ein. Die Temperaturen reichen von 9°C in der Früh bis 19°C am frühen Nachmittag.

Am SONNTAG bleibt es ebenfalls grau und immer wieder ist mit abschnitten von Nieselregen zu rechnen. Der Tag beginnt mit etwa 13°C, und es wird nur unwesentlich wärmer mit Maximaltemperaturen von 17°C.



Montag: Regnerisch, 11 bis 18°C

Dienstag: Regnerisch, 11 bis 17°C

Mittwoch: Bedeckt, 12 bis 20°C

Donnerstag: Zunehmend freundlicher, 12 bis 21°C

Freitag: Sonnig, 10 bis 19°C



TODAY the weather will be nice throughout the day. In the morning, it is almost completely sunny, later there will be a few clouds but still a good amount of sunshine. The temperatures this morning are at around8°C and will reach up to 18°C over the course of the day. The wind will stay very light all day long and will be coming from northerly directions.

TOMORROW it will be mostly overcast during the day, and in the afternoon drizzle and later consistent rain will start falling. The temperatures range from 9°C in the morning up to 19°C in the early afternoon.

On SUNDAY, it will continue to stay overcast and there will be periods of drizzle. The day will start off at around 13°C and it won’t get much warmer during the day, with highs of around 17°C.



Monday: Rainy, 11 to 18°C

Tuesday: Rainy, 11 to 17°C

Wednesday: Overcast, 12 to 20°C

Thursday: Increasingly nice, 12 to 21°C

Friday: Sunny, 10 to 19°C

2017.09.21 – ESC European Windstorm Center Update: A new storm coming from the west

Currently there is one storm within the area that the ESC covers. This nameless severe storm’s core is located between Iceland and Greenland, where there are currently wind gusts exceeding 130km/h over the open ocean. The central pressure of the storm was 987hPa at the latest 00UTC analysis.

However, a storm watch has been issued for Ireland and Iceland due to a different storm. A new storm is expected to form tomorrow before crossing the Atlantic and potentially reaching Iceland & Ireland towards the end of the 48-hour forecast period. According to current forecasts, the storm will not strike mainland Europe but rather be deflected towards the north by the high pressure area over central Europe.

Below are the maps:


2017.09.21 – Wettervorhersage für Berlin / Weather Forecast for Berlin

Wettervorhersage für Berlin & Umgebung, Ausgegeben 2017.09.21 um 05:20 MESZ

Weather Forecast for Berlin & Surrounding, Issued 2017.09.21 at 05:20 CEST (EN Version below)


HEUTE bleibt es voraussichtlich den ganzen Tag über sonnig oder zumindest heiter. Mit Regen ist nicht zu rechnen. Die Temperaturen liegen in der Früh um 8°C und werden im Laufe des Tages auf bis zu 18°C ansteigen. Der Wind bleibt leicht und kommt aus nordwestlichen, später nördlichen Richtungen.

MORGEN ist es anfangs weiterhin sehr sonnig, am Nachmittag ziehen dann aber nach und nach Wolken auf. Es sollte trotzdem den ganzen Tag über trocken bleiben. Die Temperaturen werden von 9°C in der Früh bis 19°C am frühen Nachmittag reichen.

Am SAMSTAG ist es tagsüber meist freundlich. Die Temperaturen werden in der Früh bei etwa 10°C liegen, tagsüber aber doch noch bis zu 20°C erreichen.



Sonntag: Bedeckt, 12 bis 19°C

Montag: Schauer und Gewitter, 12 bis 19°C

Dienstag: Bedeckt, Regenschauer, 11 bis 19°C

Mittwoch: Wechselnd bewölkt, 11 bis 21°C

Donnerstag: Bedeckt, 12 bis 21°C



TODAY it will stay sunny with no or only few clouds throughout the day. No rain is to be expected. In the morning, the temperatures are at around 8°C and will reach up to 18°C during the day. The wind will be light and come from northwesterly, later northerly directions.

TOMORROW will start off sunny as well, however in the afternoon clouds are going to start moving in. The temperatures will rise from 9°C in the morning up to 19°C by the early afternoon.

On SATURDAY, it will stay quite nice throughout the day. The temperatures will be at around 10°C in the morning, but reach up to 20°C during the day.



Sunday: Overcast, 12 to 19°C

Monday: Showers and thunderstorms, 12 to 19°C

Tuesday: Overcast, rain showers, 11 to 19°C

Wednesday: Partly cloudy, partly sunny, 11 to 21°C

Thursday: Overcast, 12 to 21°C

2017.09.19 – Wettervorhersage für Berlin / Weather Forecast for Berlin

Wettervorhersage für Berlin & Umgebung, Ausgegeben 2017.09.19 um 06:00 MESZ

Weather Forecast for Berlin & Surrounding, Issued 2017.09.19 at 06:00 CEST (EN version below)


HEUTE ist es den ganzen Tag über recht freundlich. Am Vormittag bleibt es noch verbreitet sonnig, später gibt es dann etwas mehr Wolken, aber es bleibt weiterhin trocken. Die Temperaturen liegen in der Früh bei 8°C und werden im Laufe des Tages auf bis zu 18°C ansteigen. Der Wind wird leicht sein und im Verlauf des Tages allmählich von Südwesten auf Westen drehen.

MORGEN beginnt der Tag erneut sonnig, am Nachmittag zieht es dann immer weiter zu, es sollte aber überwiegend trocken bleiben. Die Temperaturen werden von 8°C in der Früh bis 18°C am frühen Nachmittag reichen.

Am DONNERSTAG ist es in der Früh flächenweise NEBELIG. Nachdem die Sonne den Nebel aufgelöst hat, wird es teils wolkig, teils sonnig sein. Die Temperaturen reichen von 9 bis 19°C.



Freitag: Heiter, 8 bis 20°C

Samstag: Nieselregen, 9 bis 17°C

Sonntag: Bedeckt, Regenschauer, 13 bis 21°C

Montag: Schauer und Gewitter, 12 bis 21°C

Dienstag: Sonnig, 12 bis 23°C



TODAY it will stay rather nice throughout the entire day. In the morning, it will be largely sunny, later there will be more clouds, but no precipitation is expected. The temperatures this morning are at 8°C and will reach up to 18°C over the course of the day. The wind will be light and gradually turn from the southwest to the west.

TOMORROW will start off sunny once again, later there will be more clouds but again it should stay largely dry. The temperatures will range from 8°C in the morning to 18°C in the early afternoon hours.

THURSDAY morning will start off with thick fog in many places. After the sun heats up the ground and dissolves the fog, it will stay partly cloudy, partly sunny. The temperatures will range from 9 to 19°C.



Friday: Mostly sunny, 8 to 20°C

Saturday: Drizzle, 9 to 17°C

Sunday: Overcast, rain showers, 13 to 21°C

Monday: Showers and thunderstorms, 12 to 21°C

Tuesday: Sunny, 12 to 23°C

2017.09.13 – European Windstorm Center: Severe Storm SEBASTIAN strikes central Europe / Sturm SEBASTIAN trifft Mitteleuropa

Forecaster: LH

Severe Storm SEBASTIAN will strike mainland Europe today, bringing storm gusts to large parts of western and central Europe and hurricane-forced gusts to the coasts and other exposed locations.
The storm’s center is located over the UK, with a central pressure of 982 hPa, at the latest (00UTC) analysis by the UKMetOffice. The highest gust of storm SEBASTIAN so far today was 124km/h in Bologne-sur-Mer, France, followed by 119km/h in Mumbles, UK. These values will likely be topped throughout the day.

Hurricane-forced gusts over 120km/h are to be expected along the coast of the Netherlands and Germany as well as in Denmark. Storm gusts are likely throughout large parts of Europe, including much of France, Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany, Czech Republic and Poland.
Uncertainty exists about the possibility for storm gusts in southern Sweden, hence a watch has been issued.
The coasts of the eastern Baltic Sea have been placed under a storm watch as storm-forced gusts are expected to move into the area between 24 and 48 hours from now.


Sturm SEBASTIAN trifft heute auf Mitteleuropa und wird Sturmböen, in exponierten Lagen sogar Orkanböen mit sich bringen.
Das Zentrum des Sturmes befindet sich in der letzten UKMetOffice Analyse von 00UTC über England mit einem Kerndruck von 982 hPa. Die stärkste Böe, die SEBASTIAN bislang heute verursacht hat erreichte 124km/h und wurde in Bologne-sur-Mer, Frankreich, gemessen. 119km/h wurden aus Mumbes, GB gemeldet. Im Laufe des Tages werden diese spitzen höchstwahrscheinlich noch übertroffen.

Orkanböen über 120km/h sind an den Küsten der Niederland und Deutschlands sowie in Dänemark zu erwarten. Sturmböen sind in weiten Teilen Europas wahrscheinlich, inklusive großen Teilen Frankreichs, Belgiens, Luxemburgs, Deutschlands, der Tschechischen Republik und Polens.
Es besteht noch Unsicherheit darüber ob und wie stark Sturmböen in Süd-Schweden auftreten werden, deswegen wurde ein “storm watch” ausgegeben.
Für die Küsten der östlichen Ostsee wurde ebenfalls eine “storm watch” ausgegeben, da Sturmböen hier circa in 24 bis 48 Stunden ankommen wird.


2017.09.10 – Update: 18 UTC – Storm REINHOLD reaching Ireland, UK

Wind speeds are picking up in Ireland and the UK as storm REINHOLD is approaching the British Isles ahead of a stormy night.

A peak gust of 104km/h has already been registered in Mace Head, Ireland, and all stations reported gusts over 65km/h between 18 and 19 UTC, with many reporting gale- or storm-forced gusts.
Much of the UK is also preparing for a stormy night. A 100km/h gust was measured at the Cairnwell Station in Scotland, and the peak gust of the past hour, at 87km/h, was registered in Langdon Bay on the far southeastern coast of England.


2017.09.10 – ESC European Windstorm Update: Storm Warnings for British Isles and Northwestern Europe

Analysis: LH

The center of Storm REINHOLD is now located to the south of Iceland, having been located near Greenland in yesterday’s analysis. The central pressure also dropped by 11hPa to 979hPa in the latest available 00UTC ground analysis. The peak gusts continue to be around 110km/h, however higher gusts are possible at exposed locations such as mountain peaks, islands, etc.
The areas that were under a storm watch in yesterday’s analysis have now been placed under a storm warning as it becomes more certain they are going to be hit by winds over 75 km/h within the coming 24 hours. The warning has also been extended to include the far northern coast of France as well as the southwestern coast of Norway.

An ESC storm warning means that gusts over 75km/h are to be expected in an area within the next 24 hours. A storm warning due to storm REINHOLD has been issued for Ireland, all but the far northeast of the UK and the coastal areas of northwestern Europe, including far northern France, the coasts of Belgium and the Netherlands, the German North Sea coast, western and northern Denmark, and the far southwestern coast of Norway.

Below are the ESC overview, warnings & watches:


2017.09.10 – Wettervorhersage für Berlin / Weather Forecast for Berlin

Wettervorhersage für Berlin & Umgebung, Ausgegeben 2017.09.10 um 08:30 MESZ

Weather Forecast for Berlin & Surrounding, Issued 2017.09.10 at 08:30 CEST

HEUTE bleibt es den ganzen Tag über stark bewölkt bis bedeckt, allerdings sollte es trotzdem trocken bleiben. Die Temperaturen reichen von rund 13°C in der Früh bis zu 21°C am Nachmittag. Der Wind kommt aus Südwesten und ist überwiegend leicht.

MORGEN Früh kann es teils noch recht freundlich sein, doch schon bald werden von Westen her Wolken aufziehen. Tagsüber bleibt es meist Regnerisch. Die Temperaturen reichen von 12 bis 19°C.

Am DIENSTAG gibt es einen Mix aus sonnigen und wolkigen Abschnitten. Regen ist keiner oder in Schauern nur kurzzeitig zu erwarten. Die Temperaturen legen in der Früh bei 11°C los und werden im Laufe des Tages maximal 19°C erreichen.



Mittwoch: Regnerisch, 10 bis 19°C, BÖEN

Donnerstag: Regnerisch, 12 bis 17°C, STURMBÖEN

Freitag: Wechselnd bewölkt, 10 bis 18°C

Samstag: Sonnig, 9 bis 20°C

Sonntag: Sonnig, 9 bis 22°C



TODAY it will stay largely overcast throughout the day, however it should remain dry. The temperatures will range from around 13°C in the morning up to 21°C in the afternoon, and the wind will be coming from the southwest and be light.

TOMORROW morning it may still be quite nice, however soon clouds are going to move in from the west. During the day, it will be largely rainy. The temperatures will range from 12 to 19°C.

On TUESDAY, there will be a mix of sunny and cloudy periods. Rain is not to be expected or if, then only in showers and for short periods of time. The temperatures will be at around 11°C in the morning and reach a maximum of 19°C during the day.



Wednesday: Rainy, 10 to 19°C, GUSTS

Thursday: Rainy, 12 to 17°C, STORM GUSTS

Friday: Partly cloudy, partly sunny, 10 to 18°C

Saturday: Sunny, 9 to 20°C

Sunday: Sunny, 9 to 22°C

2017.09.09 – ESC European Windstorm Overview / Warnings / Watches: Storm REINHOLD heading for British Isles

A new storm has formed over the northern Atlantic. This low pressure system, named REINHOLD, is currently located just southeast of the southern tip of Greenland. The central pressure during the latest available analysis at 00UTC was 990hPa, and wind gusts are currently calculated to reach 110km/h. This isn’t sufficient for the storm to be classified as a “severe storm”, however REINHOLD does fit the ESC criteria for a regular European storm. The storm is expected to intensify as it crosses the Atlantic, heading towards the southeast. By Sunday (tomorrow) evening, the center of the low is expected to be located to the north of the British Isles, with storm gusts possible throughout Ireland, the UK and along the northwestern coast of mainland Europe (Netherlands, Germany, Denmark).

Below are the European Windstorm Overview, Warnings and Watches maps:


2017.09.07 – Hurricane IRMA is breaking records

Analysis by LH

Category five hurricane “IRMA” continues to rage after passing over the northern islands of the lesser Antilles and the British Virgin Islands, with sustained winds reaching up to 300km/h and a central pressure of only 916hPa.

The storm is the longest to have sustained such high wind speeds since the beginning of the satellite observation era in 1966.

Hurricane Irma over the Atlantic on September 6th. Image: NOAA/GOES


What is the forecast?

As of now, it looks like the storm will continue to move towards the west-northwest until Friday, when it will turn quite sharply and continue towards the north-northwest. As of now, the center of Irma is expected to be within 50 miles of Miami on Sunday Morning.


Warnings and Watches

Forecast, Warnings and Watches for Hurricane Irma. Image: NOAA / NHC


A hurricane warning has been issued for the northern parts of the island Hispaniola, with a tropical storm warning being in effect for much of the rest. Hurricane Irma has the potential to be a very serious storm for the Bahamas as well, and hurricane warnings have been issued for the islands. Irma, with extremely high winds and also a significant storm surge, will pose a serious threat to all residents; hence residents of the Bahamas should immediately begin preparations. A hurricane watch (and partial tropical storm warning) have been issued also for Cuba, as it is possible that hurricane-forced winds strike the island.

The entirety of Florida is currently within the 5-day uncertainty area for Hurricane Irma, so residents would be advised to take some general preparations and keep a close eye on the development and track of Hurricane Irma. The National Hurricane Center will issue warnings and watches when details become clearer.