2018.01.13 – ESC European Windstorm Update: Hurricane-Forced Wind in Iceland

Windy conditions are nothing unusual in Iceland, thanks to its exposed position in the Northern Atlantic. However, the coming days promise to bring wind speeds that may cause complications even in Iceland.

A nameless severe storm system, currently located on the eastern coast of Greenland with a central pressure of 964 hPa, is expected to gradually move towards Iceland and further intensify. Wind peaks are calculated to exceed 145km/h currently, and are expected to reach up to 180km/h within the 48-hour forecast period.

Therefore, a severe storm warning has been issued for Iceland, but also for the island of the North Sea; in these areas, one should brace for some very rough conditions between 12 and 48 hours from now.
A severe storm watch has been issued for the coast of Norway, as the storm system’s severe storm gusts may affect it between 24 and 48 hours from now.
A storm watch has been issued for the British Islands, as the outskirts of this storm will move across the islands between 24 and 48 hours from now, however at much lower intensity than in the other areas.

Below, you will find the ESC European Windstorm Overview, Warnigns & Watches


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