2017.12.01 – Heavy Rainfall & Flooding in Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and FYROM

Strong rainfall which may locally reach over 200 liters per square meter by the end of the weekend is posing the risk of flooding and landslides for the southern Balkan and Greece this weekend. The precipitation, coming from thunderstorms, formed ahead of a cold polar air mass which is currently covering much of Europe all the way south to Spain. Further, a small low pressure system has formed over the Adriatic sea, along the cold front of which there will be especially strong precipitation. The rainfall and potential consequences are expected to be especially severe along the western coast and in mountainous regions. With the passage of today’s cold front, 60 to 80, potentially 100 liters per square meter are to be expected locally at the west coast of Greece. On Saturday, the situation will calm down a bit, especially in the northern areas affected (Albania, FYROM, Bulgaria), while the south will still receive rainfall. Further strong rainfall throughout the entire area is expected on Sunday. Total amounts of rain will exceed around 70 liters per square meter in most areas, and may locally reach or even exceed 200 liters.

Total amount of precipitation expected until Sunday, 1800 UTC. Note how the west coast & mountainous areas will be most affected, however the other areas will also receive large amounts of rainfall. Image source: Kachelmannwetter.com


Today’s 00UTC ground analysis. Notice the relatively small and newly-formed low-pressure system over the Adriatic. The cold front will bring strong thunderstorms will partly immense amounts of rain to the southern Balkan & Greece later today. Source: FU Berlin

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